Remote asset monitoring for improved performance
Maximize the energy efficiency
Using jHub, you can detect abnormal operation and faults of your equipment which until now were undetectable. Joule achieves that by logging and analyzing more than 50 different signals from the inverters along with measurement data from the DSO/TSO meter, the measurement data from the central protection relay and meteorological data. These allow us to:
- Detect reoccurring inaccuracies of the equipment and to
- Live detect faults and alarms
Knowledge is power
Jhub offers all the necessary tools to the products in order to get informed both live and ad-hoc through notifications and reports. Every element of those (for example alarm thresholds) to be configurable and adaptable to the producers’ needs. More specifically:
- Every parameter for every alarm is configurable
- The visuals and contents of the reports are also configurable
A tool for all
jHub may also be used by technicians by providing them with the appropriate information. They can use it to:
- Inspect the live top-view of the asset to pinpoint the exact faulty equipment i.e. Exact strings or inverters
- Observe tasks assigned to them by colleagues and gather all the relative information
- Write down KPIs and metrics necessary to the asset management of the asset like time to resolve the issue or spare parts used